Wednesday, August 1, 2007

En route to Melbourne

I'm writing this as I sit on the flight to Melbourne, travelling with two other CEs and their gorgeous boys. I'm also remembering the last time I flew with my boys – mine certainly weren't as relaxed and calm! Arriving at the airport we found CEs and counsellors from the Gold Coast group in the south to Pine Rivers/Caboolture group at the north, and from Redlands Group in the east through to Centenary/Forest Lake (my group) in the west. All up about a dozen of us will be spread throughout the flight! Walking through the airport I was trying to spot others who might be going to Hot Milk. Some were obvious (the name badges made it easier!), others not so. After 4 years with the Association, I still experience moments when I am reminded of what a diverse group of people we are.

Just a short post for now, next post I should have photos of the venue and of Melbourne!