Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hello and welcome from the Milkmaid

The countdown to Hot Milk! has started and I am so excited! What's Hot Milk? It's Australia's national breastfeeding conference, which is being held in Melbourne Australia from August 2nd to 4th 2007. It's being hosted by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA), previously known us as the Nursing Mothers Association, or the Nursing Mothers Association of Australia. Guest speakers from all over Australia and the world will be talking and holding workshops on breastfeeding and parenting. I'm particularly looking forward to Against all odds: a retrospective study of women who succeeded at breastfeeding despite extraordinary difficulties by Maree Crepinsek and Promoting Breastfeeding, Promoting Guilt by Pinky McKay

I'm Nicky. I'm a Community Educator with the ABA, and my job in this role is to create an awareness of the importance of breastfeeding in my community in the western suburbs of Brisbane, Australia. I have two small boys, a wonderful and long-suffering husband, a dog and two fish. When I add up all the time I have spent breastfeeding my sons, it comes to 40 months - excluding the break of 6 months or so while pregnant with my second son! Like many women, my start to breastfeeding was rocky, and I remember all too well the frustration, pain and anguish that tempted me to stop. With the gentle encouragement of family and the unwavering inspiration and free assistance from the ABA I made it through. I then joined the ABA and trained as a community educator to give back to the Association that gave so much to me. I am now a certified "Milkmaid"!

That's about enough for an introduction. Visit the ABA website for more information; I've included links to our breastfeeding counselling services, breastfeeding information and our friendly online forum for permanent display on this blog.

Stay tuned!